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Events and festivals in Sicily


Last Sunday in January - Feast of St. Sebastian Patron of Acireale and Santa Venerina.

Celebrations in honor of St. Sebastian patron of Acireale and Santa Venus. Spectacular output fercolo, pulled by devotees traditionally barefoot and with fireworks.


From 3rd to 5th February - Feast of St. Agatha the patron saint of the city of Catania

The Feast of St. Agatha the patron saint of Catania is very sensitive and is a celebration of the festivities the most beautiful in the world, February 3 to 5 three days of worship, devotion, folklore, traditions for a party should not be missed. From 1 to 5 February is the traditional Fair of S. Agata.

Carnival of Acireale (The best Carnival in Sicily)

The Carnival of Acireale was elected the most beautiful Carnival in Sicily where floats, parades and masked performances with masks, confetti, lights, flowers, music give life to the streets of the city of Acireale to a spectacular show full of joy and carelessness.


Chocobarocco - Feast of chocolate of Modica (RG)

Food and wine event dedicated to artisan chocolate in all its forms. In addition to taste all the chocolate specialties, you can watch true works of art made entirely of chocolate (such as the clock tower in the photo on the right), for a festival sweet taste..


Madonna Vasa Vasa - Modica (RG)

On Easter Sunday Feast of the "Madonna Vasa Vasa-". Easter in Modica is noted for the inevitable appointment with the Madonna Vasa Vasa-. The Corso Umberto can hardly contain the crowd of faithful thronging from the beginning of the course to the church of S. Mary of Bethlehem to witness the traditional "kiss of noon" between the Virgin Mary and the Risen Christ in the beautiful surroundings of the town of Modica.


Artichoke Festival - Ramacca (CT)

The Artichoke Festival takes place in the first week of April, and highlights the "Violet Ramacchese" better known as the artichokes, which for three days will triumph on every dish of the festival that year after year as well as having a high standard of gastronomic stands for street entertainment and live music.


Festival of Ricotta - Vizzini (CT)

The fresh ricotta is the typical product par excellence of the town of Vizzini. The local tradition has developed over the years a strong specialization in the field of animal breeding dairy and cheese production of various kinds. The Festival is also offered as an appointment folklore, cultural and of course gourmet quality, offering the sale of prepared ricotta cheese and place on the short, medium and long aging.


Feast Day of St. Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino Patrons of Trecastagni

The festival in honor of the brothers Alfio, Cirino Philadelphus and takes place throughout the month of May, and has its peak during the week of May 10, the day of the liturgical feast. The beginning of the festivities is marked by twenty-one gun salute fired from the Windmill. Throughout May, hundreds of pilgrims come to the shrine carrying candles, some of them of considerable size. Of particular importance are the entry of folk music, during which band ensembles from some common Etna through the village streets, the entrance of the singers (the evening of 9), with the traditional fireworks spectacular offered by various districts of the country.


Flower Festival in Noto (SR)

The floral display of floral Noto is a manifestation that takes place every year in Noto on the third Sunday of May. An explosion of colors and scents of the flowers with the petals absolute stars, arranged in the streets of the center of the beautiful town of Noto (Syracuse), defined as the capital of the Baroque, forming spectacular designs and compositions. The floral display of Noto is one of the most beautiful events and expectations of Sicily.



Strawberry Festival - Maletto (CT)

Every year, in the month of June, the city becomes Maletto of strawberries, attracting hundreds of tourists and visitors. The strawberry today is a nice slice of the agricultural economy malettese. During the festival, local workers carry a giant cake with strawberry, which is offered to all participants.

During the course of the festival also will be set up exhibition stands of typical local products, agricultural, dairy products, crafts and trade, innovative products in the various fields and food stands.


Taormina Film Fest - Taormina (CT)

The Taormina Film Festival is a film festival that takes place every year since 1955 to date, at the beautiful greek theater of Taormina. A unique setting full of charm, history and a dream landscape, which over the years has hosted international movie stars such as Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, Tom Cruise, Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas and the last 2013 edition Russell Crowe also, many of them presenting their national premiere their films.


Etna in Scena - Zafferana (CT)

Etna on stage, prestigious exhibition of dance, music, theater and literature, is one of the festival of artistic and cultural events of the most influential Sicilian landscape with famous artists who perform in the splendid amphitheater "Falcone e Borsellino" Zafferana, located at 'inside the municipal park.


Medieval evenings - Calatabiano (CT)

The evenings medieval Calatabiano represent an approach to the past and take place in the first 2 evenings where you hold a jousting with the participation of riders from different neighboring towns who compete in medieval games as the rides of the Ring, the Saracen and the Boar along a dirt path about 300 meters. The second will take place on street performers, fire eaters, jugglers and other typical figures of the Middle Ages with staging of taverns and banquet food to taste many dishes from the ancient flavors.


ViniMilo - Milo (CT)

The ViniMilo is a food and wine event that shows itself as a showcase for the promotion of the product and for the dissemination of the culture of wine and the wineries of the Etna in Sicily in general, in the center of Milo in the name of gastronomy, wine and good music.


EnoEtna - Santa Venerina (CT)

Event with exhibition-market of typical products food, craft and showcase of Sicilian wines. The stands are dedicated to local crafts, the typical food, cuisine, desserts, wine tasting mustard mash, liqueurs of known and leading companies in Santa Venerina and wineries.



Festival Pistachio of Bronte (CT)

The Festival of the Bronte Pistachio is unique in its kind in Italy, Sicily is in fact the only region in Italy where it produces the Bronte pistachio and represents the area of ​​main crop with more than 3,000 hectares of crop. During the festival you can taste all kinds of dishes with "green gold" of Etna, from sweets to the legendary ice cream, from pistachio pesto to pasta, from crepes stuffed with pistachio cream to pasta dishes of class where the pistachio PDO is the absolute protagonist.



Ottobrata Zafferanese - Zafferana (CT) - Every Sunday in October

The Ottobrata Zafferanese is definitely one of the most important Sicilian festivals, where hundreds of thousands of visitors poured into the streets of downtown Zafferana, small tourist town at the foot of Mount Etna for an event divided into four or five festivals (depending the number of Sundays in the month of October): the grape festival, honey, apples, mushrooms and chestnuts. In addition to food nell'Ottobrata Zafferanese you can find many locally made products as well as hundreds of stands dedicated to the sale of typical Sicilian products. Do not miss the street performers, parades and music and dance events.


Trade Fair of the dead in Catania (CT)

The "Fair of the Dead" is a fair-market traditional Sicilian city of Catania. Some streets in the center are transformed into a huge market of all kinds of products.



Nativity scenes Mineo and Caltagirone

Christmas in Caltagirone a blend of Tradition, Art, Artistic Nativity, Food and Folklore for a profound experience of the magical "alleys" of Caltagirone. A Mineo instead every year there is the event "Christmas in Alleys" where Art, Culture, Tradition, atmospheres and flavors are found the narrow streets of the charming small town of Mineo. Exhibitions of Christmas cribs on the streets and in the halls of ancient palaces the historic center, and an original nativity scene.

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